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Embracing Good Corporate Governance (GCG) to Protect KFTD from Bribery & Corruption

Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) plays a vital role in Indonesia’s healthcare system by supplying essential medical products. However, as with any organization, KFTD faces the ever-present risk of bribery and corruption, which can erode trust, hinder progress, and ultimately undermine its mission. 

Embracing Good Corporate Governance (GCG) principles provides KFTD with a robust framework to safeguard itself against these detrimental practices.

Understanding the Dangers of Bribery and Corruption

Bribery and corruption are deeply entrenched societal ills that can devastate organizations, particularly those dealing with vulnerable populations like KFTD members. These practices can lead to:

Misallocation of resources

Bribery and corruption can result in the misallocation of resources, redirecting funds from legitimate activities to personal gain. This misallocation hampers KFTD’s capacity to effectively support its members, undermining the organization’s mission and goals.

Erosion of trust

The prevalence of bribery and corruption erodes trust among both internal stakeholders, including employees and members, and external stakeholders, such as donors and partners. This erosion of trust can lead to a breakdown in relationships and a decrease in support from key constituencies.

Legal repercussions 

The prevalence of bribery and corruption erodes trust among both internal stakeholders, including employees and members, and external stakeholders, such as donors and partners. This erosion of trust can lead to a breakdown in relationships and a decrease in support from key constituencies.

GCG as a Shield Against Bribery and Corruption

GCG encompasses a set of principles and practices that promote transparency, accountability, fairness, and independence in corporate decision-making. By adopting and implementing GCG principles, KFTD can create a culture of integrity and ethical conduct that effectively safeguards it against bribery and corruption.

Key GCG Principles to Protect KFTD

1. Transparency

KFTD should ensure that all its financial and operational activities are conducted openly and transparently. This includes publishing clear financial statements, disclosing potential conflicts of interest, and maintaining accurate and accessible records.

2. Accountability

KFTD should establish clear lines of authority and responsibility, ensuring all individuals are accountable for their actions. This includes implementing a robust internal control system, regularly reviewing financial transactions, and establishing a mechanism for reporting and investigating ethical violations.

3. Fairness

KFTD should treat all stakeholders, including employees, members, donors, and partners, fairly and respectfully. This includes avoiding discriminatory practices, ensuring equal opportunities, and adhering to fair procurement and bidding processes.

4. Independence 

KFTD should maintain the independence of its decision-making processes and be free from undue influence or pressure. This includes establishing a conflict of interest policy, ensuring that personal interests do not interfere with business decisions, and protecting whistleblowers.


Embracing GCG principles is a matter of compliance and strategic investment in KFTD’s long-term sustainability and success. By creating a culture of integrity and ethical conduct, KFTD can protect itself from the harmful effects of bribery and corruption, ensuring that its resources are used effectively to empower and support the Indonesian healthcare sector. 

As KFTD continues to grow and evolve, KFTD Good Corporate Governance will remain a cornerstone of its structure, safeguarding its mission and fostering a brighter future for its members.